Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance

Cleaner, Reliable Energy Source
Significantly lower harmful environmental emissions than other fossil fuels, including:
- 20-30% less CO2
- 90% less particulate matter
- 50% lower sulfur dioxide
- Abundant, low-cost supply of natural gas in North America
- Reliable partner for renewable energy sources
- 100% Reduction in CO2
- 100% Reduction in Particulate Matter
- 100% Reduction in NOx

Socially Responsible Practices
- Gender and ethnically diverse workforce
- Dedicated HS&E function and personnel
- Competitive benefits and employee assistance programs
- Involvement in local communities

Strong Corporate Governance
- Independent Directors
- Gender and ethnically diverse Board
- Conflicts committee
- Compensation and audit committees
- Code of conduct and business ethics
- Core values
- Policies including foreign corrupt practices and insider trading
- Executive pay linked to performance